My 16th birthday party was a great success thanks to all my wonderful friends and family. :)
The night before all 3 of us girls did rag curlers.
The house was quite a sight with three mop heads walking around. :D
Just un-rolled... |
A few sneak peeks of the dress I ended up making. :) |
You'll be able to see more shots of it soon. |
I'm hoping to use it for a Historical Costume Festival. :) |
Megan's hair turned out fabulously. :) She wore a circle skirt...I refrained from calling it a poodle skirt as it doesn't actually have one on it. :P |
Michelle's hair turned out extremely electric. :D I adored it, but she says she looks like the lady on The Princess Bride that says "I'm not a witch I'm your wife. " I couldn't believe how short it made her hair look. lol |
I simply pulled it back into a barrette 'cause I thought it was to pretty to confine. :D Despite the sweet look on her face she was actually quite horrified with it... lol |
The lighting is kinda weird in this shot, but she looked to cute to skip it. ;) |
Onto more serious matters (the food. lol)... |
Michelle made the cake. And put my favorite thing on it. :D Michelle says she is ashamed at how it turned out, but it was a big hit and everyone loved it so... :P |
And now to introduce the guests. :) This is the ever fabulous Lauren. |
My darling cousin Emily, looked dazzling! |
My amazing cousin Sarah! Emily did an outstanding job on her hair. I was completely in love with it. :D |
Our dear friend, Nikki, looking adorable! |
My ever fantastic sister, Michelle. She totally rocked the show with her ensemble. :) |
My signature photo. ;D |
Megan, looking her age... *note to Megan loose the watch next time. lol* |
This girl came all the from Missouri along with our fantastic aunt, Jane. Thanks so much for making the long trip up, it was such a wonderful surprise. :) Lois was a riot and added alot of excitement to the evening. :D |
A sweet picture. |
Visiting during the photoshoot. |
Lauren and I pause for a quick shot. |
There was of course more people here, but only us "young ones" went out for the shoot. :) So thus the lack of photos.
Nick did the honors of lighting the candles for this special birthday. ;) |
Smiling for the photographer. |
Happy with the stunning fabric. Thanks to Anna B. |
An amazing gift from Aunt Jane. |
I've already got huge plans for this pattern. Many thanks to Aunt Kristi! |
Huge thanks to Grandma W. I now own a cool bright green jacket! :D |
I got lots of amazing gifts from lots of awesome friends! Unfortunately we don't have pictures of them all...Anyway. Thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!. :) It means more then you know. :)
Some of the shoes that were seen during the evening. |
We were all super interested in my new book, The Way They Were Dressed: in the 1860's, from Megan. :) |
We had a blast of a slumber party, as always! :) Some of the girls stayed till about 1 p.m. we took a nice stroll and had a bunch of laughs. :) Nikki was able to stay till late Sunday night so we had a little weeny roast. So over all it was a total hit. ;)
What my curls looked like brushed out. :) (Its known as my "party hair".) |
This is like my favorite picture of Michelle ever!!! :) |
My poor 'little' baby wanted to join the party to... :) Gotta love my, Cody. :D |
And a few creative shots of our fire. :D |
Michelle got bored so we had a photoshoot just for the burning stick. lol |
It couldn't have happened without y'all making it such a great time! Thanks again!