
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Precision Planting Christmas Party 2012

A quick step into the modern world....
This past weekend was our first Christmas party of the season. Thanks to child labor laws I'm no longer an employee of the company, but I was able to attend as someone else's guest... Its always a spectacular evening and I was overjoyed to be able to spend some time with several of my relatives (who I don't get to see nearly, often enough these days). Not to mention getting to see all my 'work' friends. They made such an impact on me...I miss them all sooo much! 
The gorgeous centerpiece on our table!
The lovely Rachel enjoying her dinner. This girl is so wonderful!
Me...waiting. A few of us had been up visiting when they brought the food to our table. We went back to the table only to find they hadn't left us any. So we sat they waiting - expecting them to come back later with our food. Everyone else was nearly done - and we decided to take some action. Luis came to our rescue and asked the waitresses to bring us our plates. What we do without him? lol

                                Olivia Sr.                             
 Oh wait... That's better. This is Sarah!
Then we got some real action! All the ladies get to pick the gift they want out of this glorious lane of happiness!! lol This is a *HUGE* deal for this mall deprived gal. Its always *such* a hard choice. I opted for a pair of boots this year...

Next up was the 'game'. This year each table got a box of supplies. And we were supposed to build "gingerbread houses" to fit into the following categories...
Needless to say the stakes were high!!
The constuction of...
        ...our Ag related display began.
Poor Bryce and Josiah - had a team of all girls.
  I dare say we can hold our own in this department. hehe
 Not the best shot, but I think you get the idea of our finished product! It was a surprising amount of fun. Although I mainly watched and ate whatever stray candy I could find. lol In my defense I did build all the fence. hehe :p Incase your wondering we didn't win (I still think we should have. :D lol).
Malena and I! I love this lady SO much!
Bryce and Emily- looking as cute as ever.
Michelle looked so incredibly beautiful!
      Rachel and Em!
Yours truly.

I'm so proud of Sarah! She sewed the skirt for her dress! Didn't she do a fabulous job?!!? She definitely looked charming! I think the shoes were the perfect touch! :)                                           

Michelle and I. We made both our dresses. I plan to do separate posts about them, but that will require photoshoots so I can't guarantee when they will be up.                                    
          Michelle and her gentleman friend Josiah. Aren't they completely adorable?!?!
It was such a great night - as usual I hated for it to end. For more pictures go here. Hope y'all don't mind the change from my regularly scheduled program. ;) Let me know what you think.. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dollinger Farms Civil War Reenactment 2012

Its one of the best events of the season. We look forward to it all year. Then are bummed when its over. Ironic isn't it? This year was especially memorable! Our dear friends, the Gersts, came from Missouri to spend the weekend with us and attend their first event with us - as spectators...

I'll start out with the pictures from the battle. Unfortunately I don't have anything to say about them. lol I didn't watch it in person, but I hear it was pretty good. I know last year it was quite a sight to see...for us small timers anyway. lol

Love that flag!

Me, Sarah, and Megan.
The weather was pretty much great so we didn't have to freeze all day which was really nice.

My "new" wool. I actually first made it 2 or 3 years ago. I wasn't happy with how it fit tho. So I'd been trying to remake it all fall - to no avail. I just couldn't make it work. Finally I gave up and just did what I could - basically adding a waistband and pleating all the fullness in the center front. I'm still quite displeased with how it looks, but I suppose it was a step in the right direction. I can't even describe how much I hate sewing for myself.

Me and Sarah attempting to pet one of the horses. I don't think I ever ended up being able to touch it. :D lol

Can it get any cuter? I think, not. Gotta love an adorable, well dressed chap.

So many *fabulous* ladies to visit with. That and seeing Jasper were definitely the highlights of the event. I'm definitely feeling inspired to work on our impressions again. 

Before the dance some of us ventured into the corn maze. It was completely dark by the time I went so it was definitely interesting running our way thru
Megan got to wear her new silk again. She looked quite darling if you ask me. Her and her partner were even head couple in the Grand March. Michelle and I had a good laugh watching them do that. lol Never the less they did a wonderful job...

My little brother, Matt, during the Virginia Reel.
Finally!!! A guy in the family that will dance!!! Hurrah!! :D

I LOVE this picture. lol Tom and I were trying to figure out a new didn't go so well. We still hadn't mastered it by the end of the number. We had alot of fun tho and were laughing the whole time so we're counting it as a win. ;)

Romeo and Juliet.
Josiah and Michelle

Just don't ask. lol :D Tom apparently got a hold of Michelle's camera. lol I think he's still experiencing the side effects of trying to figure out that stupid dance. haha

Rachel, me, and Sarah during the patti cake polka. On the right is Benjamin and Hannah! I was so thrilled that a good portion of them danced. :D We always triumph over turning our friends to the dark side.

Our fabulous dance mistress, Elaine Masicale! She's definitely in my top 2 favorite callers. ;) :D

Tom and Michelle doing the last waltz. Its unbelievable he managed to get a dance in with Josiah there. :p lol

For additional pictures you can see Tom's here. Michelle still hasn't loaded the rest of ours (eek)..
It was such an awesome weekend - created lots of memories, as one might imagine. :)


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Beginnings in Haberdashery

We've recently begun to venture into the "dangerous" world of men's clothing. Actually I quite like it - everything is, for the most part, straight forward and simple. Not nearly as fiddly as women's clothing.

 It all started out with a simple cravat for our friend Chris' birthday.
I really had no clue where to start. Thankfully I can usually count on The Sewing Academy to help me out with problems like these. This thread in particular enlightened me quite a bit. I had little time to do much more digging so we decided to wing it. Michelle donated a strip of her gorgeous, teal, silk taffeta to the cause (from the great sale a couple years back). :) And this is what we whipped up. He seemed to like it quite alot so we're counting it as a win. ;)
Shortly after our friend, Dave, commissioned a civilian shirt and 2 cravats.
For the shirt I started off with Laughing Moon #107 as a base. I made several modifications tho -most of which are listed in this post. I squared the bottom and left the side seam open about 4 inches. Then finished it with a simple hem. When I put the front placket in I simply cut the pointed end off and made it squared instead. For the placket on the sleeves I used the seam rather then cutting a slit for a separate one. Also on the back I gathered it to the yoke all the way across rather then just on the edges like the instructions say to. Had the lengthen the sleeves a bit too...  
I wish I'd had some bigger china buttons, but these are what I had on hand and I have such a hard time finding good ones that match. :-/ 
It was about 95% hand sewn. I find myself liking hand sewing more and more every time I do it... :)
In the meantime my good friend, Jasper, educated me more on cravats. He's extremely well versed on men's clothing and never ceases to be really helpful. :)
 I order some silk from Fabrics & Trims. The green I received - I ended up not using, but who doesn't like have some extra taffeta laying around. ;) The shot burgundy/black on the other hand was so lovely and worked out wonderfully. A kind lady sent me the perfect dark green for the other one. We all, immediately fell in love with it and wanted dresses out of it - so crisp and such a deep, rich color. Much to our disappointment there was only a enough for a few cravats. ;D The fun thing about cravats is that there is very few limits. So we have fun experimenting with all the different tips and options. I've been trying to remember how to tie them several ways. Its not as easy as it looks. lol
We're currently studying up on waistcoats - I've been told they are worse to make then jackets so I'm eager to see how it works out. :) Might also try our hands at pre-tied cravats - that shouldn't be to difficult since we make our selves pre-tied bows fairly often.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lauren and Jonathan's Wedding Day

August 18th 2012 - it was on this day that my very dear friend, Lauren, was wed to her adoring fiancĂ©, Jonathan. It was a very happy day indeed! Everything was soooo beautiful, like a fairy tale and I couldn't be happier for the both of them! And now I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking... ;)
The gorgeous alter... 
Awaiting his lovely bride...
Here she comes!! Yay. ;) 
Isn't her hair like the most adorable thing ever! Love it! 
Making their vows! 
Mr. & Mrs. Peterson!
The Bride's parents
Mr. & Mrs. Burke!
They are some of the loveliest people I have ever met! I feel so blessed to know both of them and they have brought alot of joy to my life! 
The maid of honor, Lauren's gorgeous sister, Ariel! 
Oh look! Another one. lol My charming cousin Emily was also a bridesmaid! 
The reception was fabulous! All the decorations were so breath taking. I could hardly believe how creative they all were. :D It also confirmed in my mind that I want green as one of my wedding colors. ;) 
The streamer things for when they annouced them as husband and wife.  
There was lots of yummy things to eat! :D 
One of the beautiful centerpeices! 
Their cake was phenomenal!!! 
Such a vibrant and cheerful color! 
The flowers were sooo pretty! 
There was even little fishes! ;) 
I coud have stood there and drank this stuff all day! It was like the best thing I've ever tasted. lol 
Getting our picture with some of our reenactor friends.
Mr & Mrs. Hackmann 
Aren't the bouquets just lovely?!!? 
This little wall was such a creative idea! Everyone had alot of fun with it!  
Cutting their cake.. 
And this I had to post because Sarah looks *SO* cute and I'd like you to notice the adorable new hair cut she was sporting! :)
After arriving home us girls took a few picture since we were "all dressed up". :p 
Me and my best friend aka older sister Michelle. 
Megan sportin' the new bob! 
My stunning big sister, Michelle! 
Me and my baby. His name is Cody. ;)
Despite being a very bittersweet day (its hard knowing she's be living so far away and that we won't be able to see her often) was very beautiful day and I'm very excited to see how God works in their lives together!
For more pictures you can go here and here.

Love you girl and I wish you all the best! Miss you so much! ♥