
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Galesburg Heritage days 2013

Over the weekend we were finally able to hit our 2nd event of the year! Our schedule has been so crazy we've been skipping out on a lot this year....and when your like me and live for the few days of the year you get to see your dearest friends....sadness overcomes me...Needless I was over joyed to finally be able to hit one!!!
The traditional - Galesburg Unmentionables shot. I'm thinking this one should go on the wall.. lol ;)
I don't think I've ever been to an event with more beautiful weather!!!! Moderate temperatures, a bit of breeze and NO rain. For this time of year that's unusual...normally the heat would be stifling. So wonderful and such a breath of fresh air from our last round of events.
Much time was spent in dream land...

Or just lounging around in general.... 

We got to see the fabulous Meister family. That's always a fun! I'm constantly in awe of the new wardrobes Ms. Sarah has created each time I see them!
Beautiful little Miss Anne.
Big sis' last hurrah as a single lady...its gunna be sad not having her around at events anymore...nostalgic much? (yess.. :( )  In other news I think my hats suits her very well, no?!?!
Yours truly... I brilliantly forgot sun screen and somehow we ended up with a slat bonnet missing every single slat...all that to say...I got a horrid sunburn. Hopefully I won't be making that mistake again anytime soon.
 Lil sis was, infact, there...just didn't make it into any pictures... o.O
Dat hat!!! This, people, is how its done!
Looks like a bit of skepticism going around..wonder what that could have been about. lol
I always have a favorite event picture...Without a doubt...its this one....
The day had its slow moments, but the highlight for me was getting to spend time with my bestfriend who I hadn't seen for almost a whole year. Thus I accomplished what I went for - so in the end its all a win!!
The rest of our pictures are here
And that's a wrap folks!


  1. It was so nice to see you and Michelle and Megan on Saturday. You all looked beautiful (as always!) and the weather was so perfect. I will surely miss seeing Michelle around at the local events but am so happy and excited for her as she begins this new chapter in her life. And hopefully soon she'll be able to come back to events once in a while and have adorable dimpled babies to bring with her. ;) I love your pics!

  2. Oh yes! Babies are super fun! Tell Michelle congratulations for me! I love your hats on her! Looks like you had a fun time Brooke!

    God bless!


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